

NAMI Family-to-Family

NAMI Family-to-Family is a free, 8 class education program for family and friends of adults living with a mental health condition. In this program, family is viewed from a broad perspective to include parents, siblings, spouses, adult children, partners and significant others. The course is designed to help all family members understand and support their loved one living with a mental health condition while maintaining their own well-being.


NAMI Basics OnDemand

NAMI Basics is a 6-session education program for parents, guardians and other family caregivers who provide care for youth (age 22 or younger) who are experiencing mental health symptoms. This program is FREE to participants, 99% of whom say they would recommend the program to others. The program is guided by parents and family members with lived experience, but is self-paced and available 24/7. “On Demand” offers the flexibility of participating in the course on your schedule.


NAMI Peer-to-Peer

NAMI Peer-to-Peer is a free, 10-session educational program for adults with mental health conditions who are looking to better understand their condition and journey toward recovery. Taught by a trained team of people who've been there, the program includes presentations, discussion and interactive exercises.


COMING SOON! Mental Health First Aid - Virtual

As COVID-19 is changing our daily reality, there is an important need for MHFA to be available virtually. The National Council is pleased to announce that we are preparing to release a virtual Mental Health First Aid course. First Aiders will complete a 2-hour, self-paced class, and then participate in a 4-hour, Instructor-led class using videoconferencing technology.