Welcome to The Lost and Found Initiative.
The concept for Lost and Found was born in the back of a minivan, on the way to a Boy Scout camp out. Derian Ramsey and Brendon Gomez were listening to the soundtrack from the musical Dear Evan Hansen and began a discussion about how they could make an impact on the lives of their peers who struggle with depression. They ran a “suicide hotline” out of their bedrooms and it eventually began to take a toll on Derian’s mental health. After a severe battle with depression and suicidal thoughts, the Ramsey Family decided that it was time to take a stand and do something to turn Derian’s and Brendon’s thoughts into reality.
The concept for a place for people to turn, where they can safely talk about their struggles or just get away from it all, was set in motion. Calls where made, emails were sent, conversations were held and in less than a week, the inaugural event began to take shape in the form of a concert. The amount of support and people volunteering to help was almost overwhelming. We knew that this dream was becoming so much more.
Our vision is to become a place in the community where people know they can go on a regular basis to find friendship without the stigma that comes with mental illness. This will be in the form of game nights, group therapy sessions, picnics in the park, music therapy sessions and much more.
Our Board of Directors
Brendon Ramsey, President/CEO
Jeston Hays, Vice President
Paula Ramsey, Secretary
Tina Sandlin, Treasurer
Derian Ramsey, Founder, Board Member
Brendon Gomez, Founder, Board Member
Tracy Ramsey, Board Member (Public Relations)
Eve Hays, Board Member
John Dornheim, Board Member
Josh Kuehner, Board Member